Properties of almonds to treat constipation
Constipation is one of the common problems faced by people who want to lose weight, but eating almonds during weight loss can relieve constipation and relieve pain. The soluble fibers in almonds keep the food residues in the intestine and cause them to be excreted, on the other hand, the insoluble fibers in almonds swell in the digestive tract and help in easy elimination. To treat constipation, eat 10 almonds daily. Note that the fibers in almonds not only eliminate constipation but also make you feel full. For this reason, a handful of almonds is considered a suitable snack.
What do dates do for a constipation?
Dates are a laxative food. For this reason, it is very useful for those who suffer from constipation. To take advantage of the laxative properties of dates, you should soak some of them in water from night to morning and consume them in the form of juice in the morning. Intestinal disorders: The nicotine content of Borong Kurma Seri kembangan is known to be useful for treating many types of intestinal disorders. The continuous consumption of dates helps to always keep the growth of pathological organisms under control and as a result helps the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines.
Almonds to deal with migraines
By regularly consuming almonds, you can deal with migraines. Almonds are rich in tryptophan, and this amino acid is necessary for the synthesis of serotonin, the hormone of pleasure and good mood. In addition to almonds, turkey is another rich source of serotonin. Almonds are also rich in magnesium, which relaxes muscles and softens blood vessels. Don’t forget that physical pain and mental stress can cause headaches, so absorbing more magnesium or taking its supplement can help.
Heart health
Dates are very useful for keeping the heart healthy. When dates are soaked in water overnight and completely crushed and consumed in the morning, it is very beneficial for weak heart. Taking it twice a week makes the heart stronger.
The effect of almond consumption in the prevention of osteoporosis
Almonds are rich in calcium and are useful for bone strength. Calcium plays an effective role in building bones and teeth. In order for teeth and bones to remain healthy, they need enough calcium. This mineral is also useful for muscles and causes blood coagulation. For people who do not eat dairy products and suffer from calcium deficiency, almonds are considered a suitable alternative. To prevent osteoporosis and improve it, be sure to eat almonds. We recommend that you eat 30 grams per day, equivalent to a handful of almonds.
Almonds for skin health
Another property of almonds is its effect on maintaining and improving skin health. Almonds are an excellent source of vitamin E and other antioxidants, and for this reason, using almonds in different ways will help nourish the skin and reduce the effects of aging. Research has shown that almonds contain a large amount of catechin, epicatechin and flavonol antioxidants, including quercetin, kaempferol and isoramentin, compounds that fight against skin damage and skin cancer, and reverse the effects of oxidative stress. Improper diet, pollution and exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays are some of the factors that contribute to oxidative stress. In addition, the presence of useful fats in almonds on the one hand and its effect on improving blood circulation makes the skin more hydrated and heals wounds and injuries better.
Almonds to treat heartburn
The oil in almonds covers the lining of the stomach and acts as a protective layer that prevents heartburn. In fact, almond fatty substances absorb stomach acids. If your heartburn does not go away, eat a few fresh or wet almonds daily. Some people are sensitive to almond skin. You can peel it and benefit from its properties easily.