Even if you are the most energetic person in the world, you may experience fatigue. This fatigue can happen after working for a long time or even after taking a nap. To get out of this laziness and boredom, drinking a coffee with sugar, all kinds of cakes and sweets, all kinds of snacks and chocolates and energy drinks are not far-fetched options. But you should keep in mind that these drinks can be full of sugar, which is harmful to the body. Therefore, for such occasions, healthier food should be substituted. This energy-rich snack can include foods such as protein, fiber, carbohydrates and magnesium, which are often slow-digesting substances and can keep you full and full of energy for a longer time.

In addition to having protein and fiber, nuts also increase energy. Nuts are rich in nutrients and useful fats, and on the other hand, they can be considered one of the materials that supply electrolytes to the body. One of the advantages of nuts is their portability, which you can easily buy in small packages from supermarkets and carry with you.

Nuts are available in raw and roasted form, which can be with you at any time to avoid turning to unhealthy foods when needed. Just pay attention to two things when buying nuts: firstly, the nuts are not dried with acid, and secondly, artificial and industrial sweeteners are not used to flavor them. Nuts like almonds, cashews, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and chia seeds can be ideal for curbing your hunger pangs.

Tip: If you have a sleep disorder, choose to eat walnuts to boost melatonin. Melatonin is a chemical that is released in the body at night to make sleep easier for a person.
Fruits: The healthy complex carbohydrates found in fruit can satisfy your craving for a sweet, energy-dense food and give you an energy boost. Fruits such as melons, watermelons, cantaloupe, etc., because they are juicy, can supply your body with water (keep your body hydrated) and provide your body with the required energy. In addition to these, fruits such as apples, pears, etc., which are slow to digest, are good options for getting energy and keeping it for more hours during the day.
Cheeses alone can be part of a healthy and energizing snack. Protein and carbohydrates in dairy products are a useful combination for supplying body electrolytes. A study shows that drinking milk at night also increases recovery and muscle growth.

Whole grains have complex carbohydrates and a lot of magnesium in their composition, which separates it from other grains, and this feature makes it possible to keep a person full and energetic for a long time. Quinoa and brown rice, which are less known, are rich in useful substances and can be used for a separate meal or in salad combinations.